Preparing for departure…

The ACU semester kicked off on Monday. My Oxford students have been busy with orientation prior to our departure on Wednesday. It feels like the calm before the storm. Orientation did not impede us from attending ACU’s opening assembly yesterday, our first in three years. It was extraordinary being back in a newly-renovated Moody Coliseum. It’s hard to believe that there is a sizeable group of our students who have never been to an opening assembly. It is quite a spectacle.

ACU Opening Assembly 2022 (8/29/2022)

I don’t have a lot to report at the moment. Tara and I are busy packing and tying up loose ends here in Abilene. I’ll have a lot more to say once we are on the ground in Oxford, which should happen on Thursday, barring unexpected delays. One final piece of information I’ll pass on: my blogging plan inspired one of my students, Ben Camp, to start his own blog. His blog looks quite promising, so I am sharing a link to it here for any readers interested in following along with our semester from a student’s perspective. Ben is a good writer. Give his blog a look:

That’s all for now! More to come later this week. On to Oxford!

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