Five things I miss, and five things I want to take home

It’s that point of the semester, friends.

There always comes a point in a Study Abroad semester where the feelings of wonder and excitement about the newness of your temporary home begin to converge with this aching sense that you are not where you belong. Homesickness begins to set in. Five weeks out from my return to the States, I’ve been thinking a lot this weekend about the things that I love about England, as well as the things that I am missing back home. Tara and I hosted several students in our apartment today and spent time discussing these things together. Here is my list of 5 things I love about the UK, and 5 things I am missing back home:

Things that I wish I could take back with me to Abilene:
(1) UK’s public transit system. Travelling by train is a delight. I wish we had as robust a public transit system in the States.
(2) Oxford’s open market. Tara and filled a large “granny cart” with fresh produce on Tuesday and a large grocery bag. We spent less than £30. Fresh produce tastes fresher here. As a whole, grocery shopping is less expensive here than in the States.
(3) Transparent pricing: taxes are included in the listed price of goods and restaurant items. Tipping is permitted, but not expected, so no need to add 15-20% to the listed price of your restaurant bill. I love it.
(4) Opportunities for rambling: while there is a lot that I love about Abilene, it is not a good city for hiking. Trail hiking is so accessible here in the UK. I know there are places in the US that are comparable in this respect, but I’m really going to miss the weekly hikes I’ve enjoyed this semester.
(5) The weather: this may sound strange, but I find the daily rain and cool weather to be glorious. I’ll take it over 100+ degree summers.

Things I am really missing while in the UK:
(1) ACU sports. I love college athletics, especially the teams at the university where I teach. I’m weighing waking up early on Tuesday morning to listen to the opening ACU men’s basketball game. I can’t wait to be back in Moody Coliseum for the season.
(2) Good Mexican food. It’s incredibly hard to find in England. I’m salivating thinking about Taco Tuesday.
(3) Visiting with friends at Grain Theory. KPR boys, I’m talking about you.
(4) My chess students. I can’t wait to be back with my elementary chess club.
(5) My kids and my parents. Whatsapp conversations are fine, but they aren’t a replacement for being with the family. Christmas will be special this season.

I’m excited about the next five weeks ahead, to be sure, but as I think about the approaching end of the semester I’m getting excited about that moment when Tara and I will walk through the door into the presence of my parents and our kids who will be there to welcome us home.

Return home

4 thoughts on “Five things I miss, and five things I want to take home”

    1. Cole, there is a fair amount of ritual hazing, and you need to demonstrate an ability to hold fast to the secrets of the fellowship. I’m sure you can handle it.

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