In the Yorkshire Dales

Our Study Abroad travel week concludes with a couple days in Hawes, a small town located in the Yorkshire Dales in far north England. I knew little about the Dales before we arrived yesterday. There is a new reboot of a classic British television series, All Creatures Great and Small that is filmed and set in the Dales, based on a popular series of books by a popular local author, James Herriot. The series is streamable on PBS, something I hope to do when we have the chance. Last night I walked to a local pub in the center of Hawes and couldn’t help feeling that the town, with its quaint houses abutting the two-lane rural road running through the town center, felt much like my hometown in rural Pennsylvania where I grew up, only smaller. At the pub last night I had the fortune of visiting for a long time with a married couple who had traveled a few hours to Hawes to sell some of their sheep. I asked, “What can you tell me about this area that will help me learn more about what makes it special?” Without hesitation, the woman replied, “Farming. Farming is everything here. That. And tourism.” The entire valley is bordered by mile after mile of stone walls marking off sheep and cow pastures that stretch as far as the eye can see. Looking out over the valley surrounding Hawes, you can’t help but feel engulfed by the surroundings here.

Before checking into our hostel yesterday, we spent a couple hours at a site I was thrilled to visit, the Wensleydale Creamery, home of the original Yorkshire Wensleydale cheese. I have a special fondness for Wensleydale because of its connection to the Wallace and Grommit animated shorts that Tara and I were so fond of many years ago, Wensleydale being Wallace’s favorite cheese. Our time began with a cheesemaking demonstration and then a trip to the cheese tasting room where we got to sample a wide variety of the Wensleydale cheese line. The cheese shop also had a special exhibit devote to the Wallace and Grommit series, something I couldn’t resist.

This morning Tara and I enjoyed a leisurely two mile walk through the rain to Hardraw Force, “England’s highest unbroken waterfall, at over 100 feet.” Aside from the beauty, Tara was especially interested by the fact that a well-known scene from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves was filmed here, the scene where Maid Marian discovers a nude Robin Hood (played by Kevin Costner) bathing in the waterfall. Much to Tara’s relief, I did not attempt to reenact the scene.

Our time in the Dales has been relaxing. I’m back in the hostel now getting caught up on some work while some of the students relax in the commons. Tomorrow afternoon we’ll be heading back to Oxford. The last week has been restful and stimulating. I’m excited to get back to Oxford, however! Tara and I hope that family and friends are well. When I am back in Oxford I’ll take time to post our collection of pictures from the trip.

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