Back from the Lake District

I’ve been delayed in posting updates to the blog. Our group arrived back in Oxford on Friday after a lovely week in the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales. I left early the next day to travel back to Lechlade-on-Thames with plans to finish the northward part of the Thames Path over the weekend, which I accomplished. I’ll have separate posts about the two legs of the journey posted, hopefully today or tomorrow. I know that some family members are eager for picture updates, so I’m posting links to several albums chronicling our time away from Oxford, including a complete set of pictures of a hike I completed with 4 students and Michael Morrison to the summit of Skafell Pike, the highest mountain in England. I hope everyone enjoys the photographs.

Scafell Pike Hike
Lake District Touring (Ambleside, Helm Crag, Wordsworth Touring)
Yorkshire Dales and Fountains Abbey

I wish I had time to narrate the pictures, but I am afraid that balancing blogging with my teaching work and my rambling is difficult, especially when internet access has been so spotty. I’m hoping to return to a more regular routine in the coming weeks. I’ll conclude with a lovely picture of Fountains Abbey, the last site we visited before the long bus ride home to Oxford. This Cistercian Abbey dates from the 12th century and has an interesting history which I encourage friends to read about in the Fountains Abbey link. Our tour was fabulously fun. I’m excited to be back Oxford. It is strange to call Oxford “home,” but that is what it has become, at least for the rest of the semester. Best wishes to family and friends in Abilene, our true home.

Fountains Abbey

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